Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Finally, the race post!!

I did it! That is, I finished the race, and I finally got around to doing a post about it. Here are some fun pictures from the race.
Here I am around mile 6. I look happy because I'm finally running after walking the first 6 miles or so. It actually felt wondeful to run and use new muscles for a while. I ran/walked the last 7 miles of the race, and my pace those last 7 miles was almost 1:30 minutes per mile faster than the first 6 miles.
I don't know why there wasn't a picture of me crossing the finish line! Too bad -- I was so excited!

This guy was dressed as one of the Scots in Braveheart.

This 82-yr-old woman ran steadily, steadily, steadily up and down the hills. It was amazing.

These are the running Elvises! They dress up and run together, and even push a jogging stroller with a jambox playing their music.

Here's an Elvis at the finish line. Too fun!


MeesheMama said...

Hooray for you!

The last Elvis looks like Morgan*Spurlock.

Janet said...

I'm not sure if I will get over the Elvises or the Braveheart guy first.